News & Events
Throughout the year we have a range of church and social events, including our Annual Church Weekend, Prayer meetings, Quiz Nights, Concerts and Dinners.
Dates for your diary:​
Canon Alex is leading reflections on Advent on Thursdays at 12.50 in church. Soup and bread will be served from 12.30. The last reflection is on Thursday 19 December.
Fellowship meetings take place at church on Thursdays at 12.30.
Sewing club are making a new banner for St Andrews. They meet on Mondays in church at 16.00. Cake and hot drinks are provided.
Some items are for sale at the back at the church to raise funds for our mission in Peru.​​​​​
In the week of 15 December there was a cake sale in the Square that raised 182 euros. Many thanks to the bakers (cakes and sausage rolls) and the sellers - Mick, Sandra, Monica and Geraldine.
Vicky’s Visit to Peru
The Archdeaconry of Gibraltar is “twinned” with that of Peru. Each year at Archdeaconry Synod we hold a silent collection at our closing Eucharist to help to support them in their ministry and mission. Rev. Deborah Chapman from Barcelona is our liaison officer and works alongside Bishop Jorgè and his team in Peru.
In January 2024 six of us: four ministers and two lay people visited Peru to further cement relations and the different missions and needs of the Diocese of Peru. We were each self supporting so that every cent went to the places where it was needed the most.
We saw a wide diversity of ministries there and were blessed to be present at an ordination service for fourteen deacons and four Priests. These people are part of a project to further the ministries of outreach during this the 50th year of the Diocese of Peru.
Every blessing